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Committed to Helping Our Clients Succeed

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Experience you need. Results you want.

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Committed to Helping Our Clients Succeed

Hear about their experience working with us:

Kim Goldman

Los Angeles, California

Owed to IRS: $69,282

Only Paid : $17,905

Thankfully I came across redo tax. I was struggling with an IRS debt of about $69,000 and my life felt like it was spiraling out of control. I was just starting to pick up the pieces after the chaos of the pandemic and my divorce and I was barely surviving. The team here worked tirelessly to fix my situation and help pause collections from the IRS.

Junior Padilla

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Owed to IRS: $109,613

Only Paid : $1,434

Attorney Jason from ReDo Tax is my guardian angel.  I had a few very bad years back in 2017 struggling with family matters and gambling problems. I was back on my feet back with back taxes and fees piling up without the know how or how to do it. The Attorney listened to my entire situation and reviewed each document with me, laid out all my options, and explained the cost to benefit each one and ended up resolving most of my tax debt. 

Kevin Morant

Flint, Michigan 

Owed to IRS: $19,409

Only Paid : $304

After letting my tax debt sit for several years, I tried to clear it myself. Needless to say, it was harder than I originally thought it would be. When I got on a call with Attorney Jason, I could already tell he was going to know the ropes much better than I did. We resolved the 19k I owed the IRS much quicker than expected  with an offer in compromise. I couldn’t be happier with the process.

Read Our Latest Blogs

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What Happens If A Form 8300 Is Filed On You?

What Happens If A Form 8300 Is Filed On You?

What happens if you receive a large cash payment that changes your tax implications dramatically for the year? You may receive a Form 8300, the IRS’s way of informing you that your tax for the year is... ...more

IRS Tax Notices

August 23, 20245 min read

Is A Certified Letter Bad News? A Comprehensive Guide

Is A Certified Letter Bad News? A Comprehensive Guide

You open your mailbox and see a little sliver of something in that signature yellow—you hope, you dread. Is it one? You pull it out, and lo and behold, a certified letter. But does it mean bad news? B... ...more

IRS Tax Notices

August 22, 20244 min read

Can You Get a Passport If You Owe Back Taxes?

Can You Get a Passport If You Owe Back Taxes?

The question doesn’t have a simple yes or no answer. Passport denial is a lever the IRS can pull if they’ve found you particularly uncooperative in paying your taxes. ...more

IRS Tax Notices

August 21, 20244 min read

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